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Image Topography of France

Image topography of france
Image Topography of France
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Topography of France - Images for schools and education - teaching resources

Category: Image Maps > Topography of France

Keywords: Topography of France, landscapes, major features,

Image information

Attribution and Share-Alike required
Any use of this map can be made as long as you credit me (Eric Gaba – Wikimedia Commons user: Sting) as the author and distribute the copies and derivative works under the same license(s) that the one(s) stated below. A message with a reply address would also be greatly appreciated.


Sources of data:

  • Topography: NASA SRTM30 (public domain);
  • Bathymetry: NGDC ETOPO1 (public domain);
  • Additional data: NGDC World Data Bank II (public domain).

Blank topographic map of France in the official Lambert-93 projection, with regions boundaries.

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For all other use see Image License and/or Terms of Use.
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