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Image to take the sun cream out of the cupboard

Image to take the sun cream out of the cupboard
Image to take the sun cream out of the cupboard
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to take the sun cream out of the cupboard - Images for schools and education - teaching resources

Category: Image Sun protection > to take the sun cream out of the cupboard

Keywords: to take the sun cream out of the cupboard, action, furniture, lotion,

Image information

source: open clip art, user ryanlerch
Drawn by:US EPA SunWise Program / ryanlerch
Description:an image from the US government EPA "Sunwise" program.
Converted from PDF format, and removed all the "sunwise" logos.
the source link is here - http://www.epa.gov/sunwise/doc/mission_story.pdf

All images can be used for private educational, non-commercial purposes.
For all other use see Image License and/or Terms of Use.
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