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Images Birthday

Images of birthday cakes, gifts,...Learn about your birthday with these images.

Images - Images Birthday


Keywords:Birthday, birthday, anniversary,


A birthday is celebrated when one has grown a year older.
A birthday generally coincides with one's birth date, but in some countries and cultures, the birthday is held on the name or Saint's day.
Traditionally a birthday celebration involves receiving gifts from friends and family, and often also means having to treat others at work or at school.
Some people throw a birthday party. Guests are invited to bring presents for the person whose birthday it is.
Often a birthday card is given and sometimes a birthday cake is presented.

On our website, we offer you a wide selection of coloring pages, pictures, photographs and handicrafts.
Everything has been classified in themes which are commonly used in primary education.
The coloring pages are especially designed to be used throughout the year at school.

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