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Coloring pages Spring

Spring is one of the most popular seasons for children. The green color seduces them and puts a smile on their face. Besides going to amusement parks and forests, your little one will have a lot of fun coloring a drawing in spring colors. Trees, plants, mountains, flowers... our coloring pages appeal to every child. All you have to do is choose the design you like best, print it and you're done! Drawing is of course important for a child's development, but coloring in the colors of spring also introduces them to this very lively season.

Images - Coloring pages Spring


Keywords:Spring, springtime, vernal, spring, flowering,

On our website, we offer you a wide selection of coloring pages, pictures, photographs and handicrafts.
Everything has been classified in themes which are commonly used in primary education.
The coloring pages are especially designed to be used throughout the year at school.

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